Professional, established medical clinic in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
About Us - Meet Dr Scott
The Tropical & Travellers Medical Clinic was established in 1997 by British doctor Dr Gavin Scott and is dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of the diseases that tourists and travellers are likely to encounter in a tropical country. The clinic is recommended in most travel guides to Cambodia and Dr Scott is registered as a doctor with the Ministry of Health.
Dr Scott comes from a family of doctors. He graduated from the Universities of St. Andrews and Manchester in the U.K., obtained postgraduate diplomas in gynaecology (Royal College of Gynaecologists & Obstetricians, London), and sexual diseases (Liverpool University), and is certified in General Practice. He also has a certificate in Clinical Tropical Medicine from Mahidol University in Bangkok.
He has a broad range of medical experience having worked for 5 years in North Africa and the Middle East for oil companies as General Practitioner/Company Medical Advisor, and since 1991 he has been working and living in Asia. As a volunteer United Nations physician in 1992 he set up the UN Dispensary in Phnom Penh.

“Scott’s lengthy experience has made him one of the city’s recognized experts in diagnosis of everything from dengue to dysentery, malaria to AIDS…….. 1992 start makes Scott dean of expat docs.”
“For specialist advice on tropical diseases and diligent diagnoses you can visit the Tropical & Travellers Medical Centre. A good British doctor runs it.”
“Tropical & Travellers Medical Clinic… run by a highly qualified British doctor with a wealth of experience in a variety of medical fields and good knowledge of the best laboratories and referral facilities available here.”