General Common Conditions
Adapting to a warmer climate takes 2-3 weeks. Increase your fluid intake, avoid outdoor activities in the middle of the day, wear loose clothing and take frequent showers.
Ultraviolet light
Avoid sunburn by using a sunscreen. Wear a hat. Use only sunglasses that filter out the UV rays (cheap sunglasses can actually increase the amount of UV damage to your eyes).
Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs)
Around the world, RTAs are the commonest cause of death in travellers and are more likely to be fatal in an area that is not well served medically. RTAs are very common in Phnom Penh. Therefore you should use seat belts in cars, and on a motorbike use a crash helmet.
Skin problems
Prickly heat is due to sweat trapped under the skin. It can be relieved by taking a cool shower, spending a few hours in an air-conditioned room and wearing loose-fitting clothes. Fungal infections can affect any part of your skin, especially around the sweaty areas such as the groin and feet. Treatment is by wearing loose clothing, drying the skin properly after washing, and the use of antifungal creams.
Respiratory problems
70% of sore throats are caused by viruses and therefore antibiotics are of no help. Use aspirin gargles and suck lozenges such as ‘strepsils’. Consult a doctor if there is no improvement after three days. Some of the bacteria that cause coughs actually thrive on nicotine, so if you smoke you should at least stop temporarily.
Salt water: sandflies on the beach , jellyfish sometimes in water
Freshwater: (Mekong river) – risk of schistosomiasis and leptospirosis
Hotel pool: risk of conjunctivitis unless the chlorine level is around 1.5 ppm
Barefoot on the beach: risk of hookworms, Strongyloides

Health Care Problems - Advice from Dr Scott
Get the latest medical advice and tips on how to stay healthy in Cambodia from Dr Gavin Scott.

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