Air-Borne Infections


TB is a major health problem in Cambodia – more than 2 cases for every 1000 people, which translates to 36,000 cases (2019) of which more than 500 are drug-resistant. The visitor having casual sex should remember that women with HIV are more likely to have TB which is transmitted by coughing.

Influenza (H3N2/H1N1)

Whereas influenza strikes Europeans in winter, influenza is an all the year-round problem in Asia.

Considering that probably 10% of travellers in an aircraft are sick with a cough or cold, and that the cabin air is recirculated every few minutes, you are certain to be breathing in the germs of other passengers. The number of cases of influenza increases during the rainy season; Thailand has 40,000 reported cases every month. This disease is preventable by vaccination. Influenza pandemics occur three to four times each century, and the next pandemic is expected soon.

Avian Influenza (H5N1)

This disease is a zoonosis; i.e. spread from animal to humans. Presently only persons handling chickens and objects contaminated by sick chickens are at risk. Properly cooked chicken is safe to eat. If the tourist stays away from poultry farms and local markets selling live chickens, he/she is not presently at risk of bird flu. However, the concern is that if this virus mutates to one that is easily transmitted between humans, or combines with the human influenza virus, then there could be a bird flu pandemic killing millions of people.


Severe acute respiratory syndrome affected 8,098 persons of whom 774 died in the 2003 outbreak. Death was due to an overwhelming pneumonia caused by the coronavirus found in civets. In this disease, there was human to human spread. There are presently no known cases in the world.

Covid-19 in Cambodia

Between 2020 and 2023, there were 140,000 confirmed cases and 3,000 deaths.

All health workers and 70% of the Cambodian population have been vaccinated.

Covid-19 vaccine boosters are recommended every 6 months and are given free to Cambodians and foreign residents; tourists can purchase the vaccine at the larger private clinics.

Covid-19 RAT (Rapid Antigen Test) kits are available in local pharmacies. If patients have a high fever and cough, it is preferable if the patient self- tests before making an appointment to see a doctor.

Covid medication – Paxlovid – can be bought at pharmacies for around $100.

Covid certificates (and other certificates such as Fit To Fly and Certificate of Good Health) can be issued at this clinic.

Appointment Hours
Monday9:30 - 11:30
2:30 - 5:00
Tuesday9:30 - 11:30
2:30 - 5:00
Wednesday9:30 - 11:30
2:30 - 5:00
Thursday9:30 - 11:30
2:30 - 5:00
Friday9:30 - 11:30
2:30 - 5:00
Saturday9:30 - 11:30
2:30 - 5:00
The above hours are a guide for making appoinments; actual opening hours on any particular day may be different.

Health Care Problems - Advice from Dr Scott

Get the latest medical advice and tips on how to stay healthy in Cambodia from Dr Gavin Scott.

Air-Borne Infections

Air-borne infections can be difficult to avoid. Learn how to treat common colds, influenza and other infections in Cambodia.

Sexual Diseases

Get the latest information on sexually transmitted diseases in Cambodia, how to avoid them and how to treat them.

Tropical Insect-Borne Infections

What are they in Cambodia, and what vaccinations and treatments are available in 2024.